Penn State launches generative AI program for faculty

The Pennsylvania State University on Tuesday announced a new program designed to help faculty members use generative artificial intelligence to support their teaching efforts.
The program, called “AI-Enhanced Pedagogy: Exploring Generative AI as a Collaborative Partner,” includes seven “events,” each with a different activity or project. According to the program’s website, participants will use “at least” 3 generative AI tools, review and revise a course or teaching approach, and create a video that can be distributed to students that explains their instructional philosophy concerning generative AI.
“The goal of this endorsement is to help create pathways to support student use of generative AI in learning activities,” reads a university announcement.
According to the program’s schedule, some of the topics covered include ethics, enhancing instruction with the use of AI, copyright issues and designing assignments in the AI age.
Since the public release of ChatGPT in November 2022, generative AI tools have become more popular among students seeking a quick method to complete assignments. Some instructors have banned the use of AI in their classes, while many others have encouraged the use of generative AI tools as learning aids.